Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Baby "Bucket List"

One of the other bloggers I follow once posted what she called her “Baby Bucket List” – a list of the things she wanted to do with her son as he grew up.  I thought it was a wonderful idea and started working to come up with a list of my own.  There are so many things I’d love for us to do as a family as Kayla grows.  I could only think of a dozen to start our list, but I’m sure this list will be added to as time goes on and I think of more things. 

  1. Have family pictures taken
  2. Go to the beach
  3. Go to Disney World
  4. Go sledding
  5. Go to the aquarium
  6. Go to the zoo
  7. Go to Washington DC for the Cherry Blossom Festival
  8. Bake cookies together
  9. Play at Long’s Park
  10. Watch fireworks
  11. See a baseball game
  12. Adopt a pet
  13. Visit the Hands on House
  14. Visit the Please Touch Museum
  15. Go for a horseback ride
  16. Go on a Fall hayride
  17. Teach Kayla to cross stitch  

1 comment:

Phoenix said...

We visited HOH (Hand on House) twice this week, both boys LOVE it! Grandpa gave Benjamin a family membership for his 2nd birthday, way better then any toy; it also includes free admission to over 100 children's museums across the country. I already suggested Dutch Wonderland season passes and renew our HOH membership for their birthdays this year.